Updated Bibliography
Russell, M. A.
(1976) BMJ 1 (6023) 1430-14
Farsalinos, K. E., & Polosa, R.
(2014) Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety, 5(2), 67–86.
Hajek P, Etter J-F, Benowitz N, McRobbie H
(2014) Electronic cigarettes: review of use, content, safety, effects on smokers, and potential for harm and benefit. Addiction.
McRobbie, H., Bullen, C., Hartmann-Boyce, J., & Hajek, P.
(2014) Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation and reduction.
The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 12, CD010216.
Brown, J. et al
(2014) Real-world effectiveness of e-cigarettes when used to aid smoking cessation: a cross-sectional population study.
Addiction doi:10.1111/add.12623
West, R. B. J.
(2014). Electronic cigarettes : fact and fiction. British Journal of General Practice
(September), 442–443. doi:10.3399/bjgp14X681253
Vardavas, C.et al
(2014). Determinants and prevalence of e-cigarette use throughout the European Union: a secondary analysis of 26 566 youth and adults from 27 Countries.
obacco Control, 1–7. doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2013-051394